I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Universidad Nacional del Sur in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where my research focused on probabilistic structured argumentation in the field of cybersecurity. My interest lie in the areas of argumentation systems, cybersecurity, applied research, software development, and the application of logic programming to solve real-world problems.
Data Science Specialist
June 2023
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ph.D. in Computer Science
June 2022
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Bachelor's degree in Information Systems
March 2017
Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Research Experience
- Postdoctoral Fellow, National Science and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DCIC), Universidad Nacional del Sur.
- Publication of various research papers on Probabilistic Structured Argumentation and Cybersecurity.
Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant. Course: Algorithms and Complexity
- Teaching Assistant. Course: Simulation
For an overview of citations of my papers, please view my Google Scholar profile.
Selected Publications
- DAQAP: Defeasible Argumentation Query Answering Platform: Mario A. Leiva, Gerardo I. Simari, Sebastian Gottifredi, Alejandro J. Garcı́a, Guillermo R. Simari. 13th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems, 2019.
- Cyber Threat Analysis with Structured Probabilistic Argumentation: Mario A. Leiva, Gerardo I. Simari, Guillermo R. Simari, Paulo Shakarian. 3rd Workshop on Advances In Argumentation In Artificial Intelligence (AI∧ 3), 2019.
- Towards Effective and Efficient Approximate Query Answering in Probabilistic DeLP: Mario A. Leiva, Alejandro J. Garcı́a, Gerardo I. Simari. Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances In Argumentation In Artificial Intelligence (AI∧ 3), 2020.
- Probabilistic Defeasible Logic Programming: Towards Explainable and Tractable Query Answering (Extended Abstract): Mario A. Leiva, Alejandro J. Garcı́a, Paulo Shakarian, Gerardo I. Simari. 37th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), 2021. Este trabajo también fue presentado durante el consorcio doctoral (Doctoral Consortium) del mismo evento.
- Guidelines for the analysis and design of argumentation-based recommendation systems: Mario A. Leiva, Maximiliano C. Budan y Gerardo I. Simari. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 35(5), 28-37. 2020.
- Argumentation-Based Query Answering under Uncertainty with Application to Cybersecurity: Mario A. Leiva, Alejandro J. García, Paulo Shakarian y Gerardo I. Simari. Big Data and Cognitive Computing (MDPI), 6(3), 91. 2022.
A small selection of my open-source projects that can be found on my github page:
DPG: A DeLP Program Generator
DAQAP Platform: The DAQAP platform
DeLP3E: This repository contains all the files needed to generate DeLP3E models and run the world sampling and subprogram sampling algorithms.
DungGraphs: A web tool to plot dung graphs